2021 - June


We are delighted to announce the release of Mitigator, a seamless end to end third party capture platform and litigation defence solution.


Unique to MPL, Mitigate bridges the gap where most intervention products fail. The platform compiles a dossier of events covering the spectrum of activity when processing a fault claim where it qualifies for intervention.


The activity is presented to the user/agent and our end customers using our bespoke data gateways where live decisions can be made immediately affecting the outcome of a claim.


Mitigator is redefining the way in which claims costs can be contained and reduced.

2021 - June

2021 - May


Following a lengthy new customer onboarding process and period of data analysis and recreation, MPL has created and launched ClaimStat our claims bordereaux processing platform.


ClaimStat, a bespoke system allows MPL to report briefly but accurately for bordereaux to every single policy holder and the groups for open or closed insurance claims.


The platform undertakes several pre submission bordereaux routines revealing real time exceptions before live bordereaux’s are produced for distribution analysis.


ClaimStat provides real time results for outstanding or paid claims, balance amount, risk projections in agreement with the policy holder for every policy received.

2021 - May

2021 - April

The creation and delivery of management dashboards coupled with analytics tools which we use to present all important management KPIs in a single place.



We host data using customer branded and bespoke gateways where we share insights with our customers and partners in an efficient way, we empower our customers to make fast and data-driven decisions based on the latest information held on our systems.

2021 - April

2021 - March

Release of our fully integrated CV19 claim submission portal, designed in house and built using the Sphere7405 framework and technology.


Our secure and branded portal, unlike our competitors conventional hosted forms, are integrated to the claims file in a live environment, connecting the user directly to our desk claims adjuster. We have built flexible calculations that take policy limits and financial details from our Data Vault that based on the data being inputted calculates the settlement value for our adjusting team.

2021 - March

2021 - February

MPL Claims Management Ltd has created and launched an online digital interaction for policyholders or nominated and authorised representatives to submit details of their business interruption losses directly to our claims adjusting team. Our application is fully integrated with the MPL Live claims management system, details of the losses are submitted through our portal and “carbon copied” into the claims file where our adjusting team can view instantly and review alongside policy wordings and schedules to make quick and accurate decisions.

2021 - February

2020 - November

Release of Sphere7405 claims module V2

2020 - November

2020 - September

Integration of Domo to its claim’s platform, in partnership with Dutch Digital Systems, MPL has created its Insurance Data Exchange Vault (IDEV) a secure inter party data exchange repository allowing us to share data in real/near time including integration to 3rd party providers

2020 - September

2020 - July

MOJ A2A Embedded workflow

2020 - July

2020 - July

Digital borderaux and Mi

2020 - July

2020 - March

Online customer portal

2020 - March
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